Thursday, February 17, 2011

Boys, Boys, Boys

Eighth grade boys are the biggest idiots I've ever seen. Girls aren't that great, either. Especially when it comes to relationships. Let's take my best friend Giana and her ex-boyfriend Adam as an example. So they just met this year, and were kinda friends from the beginning. Then, in history class, Adam asked Giana out. She said "ya". They went out for a month, but only actually went on two dates. They never even touched each other. Didn't hug, kiss, even hold hands. It was awkward. In the middle of this, Me, Emily, and some of our other friends got to know Adam. He's pretty much an annoying, aggravating, disgusting creep that likes to give his girlfriend's best friends the finger. Then, they broke up. About 3 days later, we find out he started going out with one of Giana's great friends Marissa. They went out for two months, kissed, held hands, hugged, and more. Once, Giana had the brilliant idea to go to the movies. Adam, Marissa, Giana and me. It didn't end well. Then they broke up and now, three days later, Giana and Adam are back together! Adam isn't even cute. He's actually the ugliest guy in school. And none of Giana's friends (including me) can stand him. He's a jackass. It's quite stressful for me, actually. The sad part is Giana doesn't get any of it. Not why the movies was awkward, or the fact that her and Adam were better friends after they broke up was strange, or how stressful it is for all of her friends. It sucks. Any advice?
           ~Mandy :) <3

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